Making the Most of a Challenging Year
A great day for Chelsea used to involve a jog. An active mom, Chelsea loved the small-town life in Wauchula, Florida where she, her husband, Michael, and their families live.
“We’re very thankful that our parents are here,” Chelsea said.
In 2019, her busy life came to a halt. Chelsea began experiencing a tingling sensation on the left side of her body just after the birth of their daughter, Emma Grace. For a year the strange symptom would flair up then disappear.
“I never thought anything else of it,” she said.
Months later the strange symptoms returned, this time in her eyes for up to a week at a time. She reached out to an ophthalmologist friend for advice.
“She told me, ‘Something is very wrong. Go to the hospital,’” Chelsea said. “It was a very uncertain and scary time for our family.”
But a brain MRI came back negative, and Chelsea’s doctors sent her home. She began getting her vision back. Days later, she experienced a fall that left her paralyzed on one side.
“The next day, I woke up and I couldn’t move my left leg,” she said. “I had no feeling in my body. I knew this wasn’t just a tweak in my neck.”
Extensive tests found the culprit: lesions throughout her neck and spine caused by neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder.
Chelsea finally had an explanation for the years of mysterious nerve pain, aches, and vision difficulties. Her doctors immediately began infusion treatment to reduce the inflammation.
“I was in the hospital again for almost two weeks,” Chelsea said. “2020 was not our greatest year.”
While at her doctor’s office, Chelsea saw a pamphlet that mentioned The Assistance Fund’s (TAF’s) Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder Financial Assistance Program. The program provides financial assistance for out-of-pocket costs for prescribed FDA-approved treatment, such as copays, deductibles, and coinsurance. Within minutes, her application was accepted.
“I was able to stay home and rest, which was a huge blessing,” she said. “With TAF, I had more time with our daughter and could afford to pay off some of our medical bills.”
Now Chelsea focuses on taking a holistic approach to managing her symptoms. She diligently manages her sleep schedule and centers her meal-planning on fresh fruits and vegetables and gluten-free foods.
“It’s a huge blessing to not have to worry about those costs,” Chelsea said. “I am beyond blessed and thankful for TAF.”